Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Grow Your Daily Medicine in the Backyard with Parsley Tea

People are more aware of parsley being used in sauces, garnishing and flavorings of food. And some even use it as a fresh salad ingredient because of its delicate taste. But what most people fail to know is that it is also a wonderful medical herb that can help treat a number of ailments.

Parsley Tea is easily prepared by chopping of the leaves from the stem and place it directly into a tea pot with clean water, and then boil for 5-10 minutes.

Parsley Tea is easily prepared by chopping of the leaves from the stem and place it directly into a tea pot with clean water, and then boil for 5-10 minutes.

The major properties of parsley have the ability to act as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant cleansing the body from within. It has been proven to be a healthy treatment for anemia, bladder infection, bad breath, kidney issues, digestive problems, anti-arthritis, indigestion, blood infection and many more. Some people even say that parsley is an aphrodisiac.

What Makes Parsley Effective?

According to Live Strong, the leaf of Parsley is rich in vitamins A and C, and also in mineral iron and sulfur. The nutrient with highest quantity found in the leaf is Vitamin K. Vitamin K is extremely important for a healthy cardiovascular system and right bone density.  The best way on how to make healthy parsley tea recipe is with the use of fresh leaves because it retains the most nutrients as compared to using dried leaves.

Health Benefits of Parsley Tea

Parsley tea health benefits for period is one of the most common uses of this type of tea because it induces the start of a woman`s menstrual flow, as stated in the Web MD. Some people even ask, Can parsley leaf tea cause spontaneous abortion or miscarriage?” The answer is yes. When menstrual flow is induced, it affects the hold of the embryo or fetus on the womb of the mother therefore causing abortion, on purpose or not.

A report in Natural News said that herbalists like Dr. John R. Christopher have been successfully using parsley in a number of ways for herbal treatments for kidneys, joint problems, nerves, bladder issues and many more.

Is parsley tea good for gout? Well, gout is a joint problem affecting mostly old people due to age and health complications, but the same case have been observed for younger ones. The calming effect of parsley on the nerves and blood streams makes it an effective remedy for gout.

Simple Parsley Tea Recipe

Master herbalists and experts suggest that you start with fresh parsley leaves boiled in water. At least two quarts of a strong parsley tea is recommended each day for adrenal glands and nerve issues. Some are even advised to take a cup every hour for better results. Boiled leaves may be taken throughout the day as long as it is covered well and reheated from time to time.

Watch this video on How to Make Parsley Tea

The post Grow Your Daily Medicine in the Backyard with Parsley Tea appeared first on Parsley Tea –.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holy Basil Tea Makes You Stress-Free and Away from Other Illness

Ocimum sanctum, or Holy basil, is from the family of mints known as Labiatae. Its close relatives are frequently used for cooking, but holy basil is much more diverse than just a food ingredient.

Holy basil is a native plant from Asia and is also common in tropical parts of the world. It has been used and grown in India for over 3,000 years already before it recently gained popularity in the U.S.

Tulsi holy basil not only soothes the body, but also the mind and spirit by reducing the stress one person is feeling. Experts believe that it promotes some anti-cancer properties in the long run of intake.

Tulsi holy basil not only soothes the body, but also the mind and spirit by reducing the stress one person is feeling. Experts believe that it promotes some anti-cancer properties in the long run of intake.

Holy basil is also famously known as “Tulsi” in India, or directly translated to “The Incomparable One”, as stated in the article of Medicine Hunter. It is considered as the most sacred plant in the country as they believe that Tulsi symbolizes their goddess Lakshmi based in Hindu mythology.

Lakshmi is the wish if Vishnu and one of the most important deities of Indian religion. Aside from its mythological beliefs, it also provides health benefits for the mind, body and spirit – and this is what is holy basil tulsi tea good for.

The Health Benefits of Tulsi Holy Basil Tea

The Tulsi Holy Basil Tea Health Benefits has been observed in many parts of the body. It is known to be a powerful antioxidant showing antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory capabilities making it very useful ingredient in treating different kinds of health conditions.

It originally started as part of Ayurvedic medicine called “adaptogen” that will counteract the stresses in one person’s life, as mentioned in Web MD. They enumerated a number of treatments that can be cured with the help of holy basil such as influenza, H1N1 flu, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, diabetes, stress, viral hepatitis, fever, heart disease, malaria, tuberculosis, headache, earache and stomach upset. Some people have also successfully used it in treating mercury poisoning, to promote longevity of one`s life, in counteracting bites from poisonous animals, and as a mosquito repellent.

Some people ask where to buy organic holy basil tea for ulcer because it is famous for its anti-ulcer properties. This works when holy basil promotes the reduction of stomach acid and production of protective mucus.

Holy Basil Tea Recipe

The answer on how to make healthy holy basil leaf tea recipe is fairly simple because all you need is some stem, leaves or roots of holy basil. Soak this plant parts on hot water for several minutes prior to intake. Experts advise at least one tea per day to maximize its long term good effects. But it is not advisable to take the tea in very huge quantities because it might create some unwanted side effects like advised on Draxe.

 Watch this video about Holy Basil Tea Recipe and its Health Benefits

The post Holy Basil Tea Makes You Stress-Free and Away from Other Illness appeared first on Holy Basil Tea.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea

Bitter melon tea has been used in Asian traditional medicines for treating diabetes since a long time, since this sort of melon lowers blood sugar level, cholesterol and is even used as a prophylactic against cancer.

Our readers often ask us about green bitter melon tea recipe and its health benefits which we’ll discuss below.

About Bitter Melon

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is a mine of vitamins and iron, widespread in China, India and South America. This elongated vegetable has a bitter taste when fully ripe, so only immature fruits are usually used for food.

Its juice is poisonous, but helps from helminths, arthritis, skin diseases, diabetes, asthma and rheumatism, it causes increased appetite and improves digestion.bitter melon tea

Bitter melon is much more useful than many vegetables. For example, it contains twice as much beta-carotene, calcium and potassium as broccoli, spinach, and bananas.

Bitter Melon Tea against Diabetes

Fresh juice and extract from the immature fruits of bitter melon have antidiabetic action. This was confirmed by the studies carried out on humans and animals.

During the study scientists prepared various powders and extracts from fresh and dried fruits and compared their hypoglycemic characteristics in diabetic rats. They found that an aqueous extract of fresh immature whole fruits reduced the blood glucose level by 48%. This effect is comparable with the effect of taking glibenclamide, a known synthetic drug.

Thus, bitter gourd extract powder is a safe alternative that can be used for reducing the glucose level in the blood. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the extract enhances the effect of oral hypoglycemic.

The plant contains some active antidiabetic agents. For example, scientists extracted insulin-like protein known as insulin-P or polypeptide-P, which showed hypoglycemic properties when administered subcutaneously to patients with diabetes type 1. In addition, momordica harantskaya contains harantin – a complex steroid substance, which is a powerful hypoglycemic agent.

Clinical studies have shown that taking the bitter melon extract is highly effective in reducing blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes type 2.

Learn more on health benefits of bitter melon tea bags for diabetes.

Bitter Gourd Melon Tea

Since ancient times, people have been making infusions and decoctions from all parts of the plant. Infusion of leaves are usually used for high blood pressure, colds, cough, and headache.

Leaf tea helps regulate blood sugar and it is recommended for diabetic patients. It necessary to pour  boiled water on one tea spoon of herbs, infuse for 20 minutes and take a cup of tea three times a day. The tea is rather bitter, but it is better to drink it without sweetening.

Discover the powerful benefits of bitter melon and how to make a healthy bitter gourd melon tea recipe here.

Watch this video about the health benefits of Bitter Gourd Melon Tea

Photo Source: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8678/16533882286_c5f30f028e_k.jpg


The post Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea appeared first on Bitter Melon Tea.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

So Healthy Valerian Root Tea: Not Just Against Insomnia

valerian root tea benefitsValerian tea is not just a tasty drink that can quench your thirst, it is also a useful product with a number of curative virtues. Valerian is a plant widely used in folk medicine. It is historically known to be one of nature’s sedatives with anti-anxiety properties, thought to relieve insomnia and migraines since the time of Hippocrates. Here we’re providing you with an amazing fact about valerian tea high and its health benefits and side effects.

Use for medicinal purposes

Valerian is used to treat insomnia and other disorders as an alternative to benzodiazepine drugs. It is a sedative that is used for nervous tension, hysteria, excitability, stress and intestinal colic or cramps.

Valerian is also traditionally used to treat abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome. It is often used as a transitional remedy during cessation from benzodiazepine usage.

In folk medicine, valerian is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, extracts and powders. Medical recommend infusion of valerian roots during menopause and after an illness as a general tonic.

In ancient times valerian was used as an aphrodisiac. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra ordered to scatter valerian herbs around her luxurious bed.

In the US, valerian is used in the manufacturing of essences, liqueurs, bitters. It also added as a flavor to Havana cigars and Turkish tobacco. As a spice valerian is used mainly in European countries. In England, they add fresh leaves of valerian to salads.

Some herbalists even say that you don’t have to take it by mouth it’s enough to breath in valerian dust to have the same effect.

Side Effects

Like any other herb, valerian and valerian tea may have counterindication. The most common side effect of valerian tea is idiosyncrasy. Valerian root tea should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding and children under 3 years old.

It is not recommended to drink valerian tea more than 1.5 months, as it may disrupt the digestive system and cause nausea. In addition, headaches, disturbance of the cardiovascular system, anxiety are possible.

Valerian Root Tea

Today valerian root is sold as a dietary supplement in any form, however, the most convenient is tea. More on valerian tea bags and its benefits for anxiety here.

Valerian roots are the most curative part of the plant. They are harvested in August – October: dug, thoroughly washed, cured within 2-3 days and then finally dried at 40°C.

Valerian is one of the most important medicinal plants. That is why it very important to know how to make healthy and organic valerian tea recipe.

Here’s our valerian root tea recipe


1 tsp valerian root (approx 2 grams)

2 tsp honey

10 cups of boiling water

How to

Fill the infusion device with valerian root. Take a pot and bring 10 cups water to boil in it. As the water boils, turn your stove off and lay it on a cold burner. Put valerian to the water. Add two spoons of honey and mix it well until dissolved. Voila!

Watch this video about valerian root tea

The post So Healthy Valerian Root Tea: Not Just Against Insomnia appeared first on Valerian Root Tea.

What is Senna Tea?

Senna Leaf Tea and It’s Wonderful Benefits

The question is, what are senna leaf tea health benefits? For centuries, senna leaf has been used in making herbal teas, for purging and in managing weight loss. The components that makes senna work for these things are anthraquinone derivatives along with their glucosides that functions as a local irritant on the colon, as mentioned in Livertox. This active components promote peristalsis and evacuation of unwanted things inside the bowel.

Furthermore, it also enhances the intestinal fluid accumulation and increases the moisture content of stool by making some sort of reaction in the colon inhibiting electrolyte and water reabsorption.

Constipation Issues? Take Senna Tea

Everyone should observe if they are experiencing less than three bowel movements per week or if the stool is harder than usual. This signifies constipation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Many factors may contribute to constipation and some are stress, chronic disease, lack of exercise, or certain medications. Some people advise senna leaf laxative tea for constipation as it readily and rapidly fixes the issue of hard and infrequent bowel movement. But go talk to a doctor first before making your own decision.

Drink Senna Tea for immediate Weight Loss

Most instant weight loss products involve the feeling frequent bowel movement making the person have the need to eject whatever is in it. This is how does senna tea work for weight loss. Thus, the body resorts to using the reserved fats, calories, proteins and carbohydrates to replenish whatever nutrients the body needs. In effect, the person loses weight immediately. But this is not advisable in the long term as experts have strongly stated that they are against long-term use of senna in whatever reason it may be.

Where to Find Organic Senna Leaf Tea

Some health food store or online stores sell the herb, or a ready to use teabag for easier preparation. This is where to buy senna tea for diet and detox. Some people drink senna tea once in a while for body detox which cleanses the body from the toxins that could result to illnesses and irregularities. The Diet Spotlight has some pretty good review of senna.

Watch this video about Senna Herb Tea Health Benefits and Side Effects

The post What is Senna Tea? appeared first on Senna Leaf Tea.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What Can you Get from Drinking Nettle Tea?

Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica, is a common weed that grows almost anywhere in the world. it has been popular for a number health benefits and as a beauty regimen as well for women.

Europe and Asia are the native origins of a plant from Urtica genus, more popularly known as Stinging Nettle, and has become available worldwide already. The plant was named as such because of the fine hairs observed on its leaves and stems that release some irritating reactions when it comes in contact with human skin. But the plant has been of huge help for centuries because it was used in herbal medicine, as reported by SF Gate.

Benefits of Nettle Tea

As this plant is used in herbal medicine, practitioners from many centuries ago have enumerated a number of health benefits of stinging nettle tea such as for relieving pain from arthritis, gout, anemia and urinary problems. Moreover, it has been a popular treatment for eczema, sore muscles and irritating insect bites.

Many people have been suffering from several forms of allergy from the simplest sign of itching and sneezing. These patients usually opt for taking over-the-counter prescription antihistamines which has negative side effects like seizures, drowsiness and dry mouth. They should know that nettle leaf tea for relief of allergies has been a great alternative for people with this kind of sensitivity as it has been used in a study conducted at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. More than half of their participants reported to have lowered allergy symptoms, and the study was reported in Live Strong.

The Nettle Leaf

As stated in an article by the Herb Wisdom, Nettle leaf contains several beneficial compounds that are biologically active meaning it functions greatly in the human body. It includes flavonoids like quercetin that is known to have antioxidant properties that removes free radicals that can damage cellular membranes and DNA. Other components of the Nettle are beta-sitosterol that is good for the heart as it lowers the absorption of dietary fats in the blood stream. These compounds make organic nettle leaf tea benefits more healthy and good for consumers.

Manage Your Facial Skin

Aside from the health benefits mentioned above with regards to drinking nettle tea, it is also famous for reducing, managing and eliminating acne issues. If you are curious about how to make organic nettle tea recipe for acne, then you should know that a lot of women have reported to have more radiant brighter and acne-free skin after drinking nettle tea.

In the recipe, you need get dry leaves or pick some fresh ones (just don’t touch the leaves directly as it could give you stinging sensation) from health food stores, buy some tincture, or pure leaf or root extracts of stinging nettle. Add a teaspoon or two of dried leaves in hot water and wait for 5 to 10 minutes before drinking it. It is advisable to add a few drops if you want to get as much extract from the leaves and root. This recipe was personally used by the blogger from Spa Finder. Just take note that nettle tea is not advisable for pregnant women and do consult your physician if you have other medications.


Watch this video about the health benefits of stinging nettle tea

The post What Can you Get from Drinking Nettle Tea? appeared first on Nettle Tea.

Monday, December 14, 2015

What is Yellow Saffron Tea – Health Benefits, How to Make and Many More!

Saffron Tea

Yellow saffron Tea has been a common drink for people the U.S. especially for those with an upset stomach as they obtain many health benefits with it and fixes that unexplainable stomach butterflies.

Yellow saffron tea is described by the name itself as it offers a yellow color once brewed. But reality is that it came from red-orange-colored saffron threads like the ones you found in the kitchen for cooking. Saffron is one of the top five most mentioned herbs, meaning it is more popular than just a kitchen herb as stated by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

Saffron has been well-loved and treasured during the ancient times by diverse populations like the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. They use it for folk medicine and a good food additive to make meals more pleasing in taste and smell.

Saffron is known to be one of the most expensive spices available on the market for its natural delicious taste and delicate aroma leaving tea drinkers wanting for more. But the main reason for its high price is the fact that it is difficult to find. Moreover, there are a number of yellow saffron tea health benefits making it more in demand than it already is.

In a study by researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Abruzzi, Italy mentioned in Livestrong, Saffron has the potential to slow down blindness as it protect vision cells, to fight against cancer because its flowers is rich in antioxidants, and lower the risk for heart disease with its flavonoids content. These are only some of the health benefits of drinking Yellow Saffron Tea observed by previous studies.

Health Benefits of Yellow Saffron Tea

According to an article published by SF Gate, the health benefits of saffron varies from helping ladies with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), “may” help treat alzheimer’s disease, enhance weight loss, and aid those suffering from depression.

Most unfamiliar with this type of tea may have heard some health benefits, but most still ask questions like – “Is saffron tea good for weight loss and PMS?”, “Does it really help treat Alzheimer’s?”, “Is it safe for pregnant women?”, and many more. Here are some conclusions generated from past studies that showed promising results:

As for PMS, a study in 2008 stated that women who take 30 milligrams of saffron per day experienced fewer PMS symptoms. They also noted that results would only be noticeable when the person has taken at least 20 cups of tea. But volunteers who participated felt positive towards the improvement of them experiencing PMS during their menstrual period.

A different study also noticed significant cognitive function improvement for those taking the same amount of saffron per day for 16 weeks as oppose to those who took placebo. This led researchers to conclude that yellow saffron tea is safe for Alzheimer’s disease patients, even in high amounts.

Shahin Akhondzadeh from Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital in the Tehran University of Medical Science was mentioned in iFood.tv as he studied the spice and showed its effectiveness in decreasing depression among patients. He made patients drink saffron and observed that they are becoming more stable as oppose to those who didn’t take the tea.

And the most favorite benefit is that it could aid in weight loss because it is present in huge quantities of polyunsaturated oils that has been established to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.

How to Make Yellow Saffron Tea

The easiest thing to do is directly purchase yellow saffron teabags from tea shops, or you can DIY by making tea from loose saffron threads. Experts advise that it is better to make your own saffron at home if you opt for the best quality because commercial saffron teabags usually does not contain as much saffron as expected. It can readily be taken as iced-cold tea, but it is highly suggested to use water at temperature of around 180 degrees Fahrenheit to fully release the aromatic and health compounds in the tea. Find out how to make saffron tea bags with milk to ease depression.

Watch this video from Youtube to see how you can make Yellow Saffron Tea at home:

The post What is Yellow Saffron Tea – Health Benefits, How to Make and Many More! appeared first on Saffron Tea.

Friday, December 4, 2015

What Are the Health Benefits of Sage Tea?

Sage, or salvia officinalis, as it is scientifically called is a plant native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Sage has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The leaves of this small ever green, perennial plant are used as a popular culinary herb. Sage oil is extracted by distillation from its dried leaves and sage leaves make a soothing cup of tea which provides many health benefits.

Properties of Sage
Sage has many medicinal properties. It is a stimulant, a diuretic and an expectorant, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and also serves as an appetite enhancer. Because of these characteristics of sage, sage tea provides many health benefits.

Antioxidant Effects
Antioxidants act as scavengers to clean up the free radicals of metabolism and other environmental toxins like smoke and pesticides in the body. Antioxidants work to prevent free radicals from attacking the cell tissues, prevent the signs of early aging and the risk of conditions like cancer and heart disease. Sage tea is a potent source of antioxidants, according to a study published in “Frontiers in Pharmacology” in 2011. These antioxidants help to stave off these damaging effects of free radicals.

Effects on Diabetes
Sage is among the herbal plants that’s considered being of benefit to patients with diabetes. A study by researchers C. F. Lima, M. F. Azevedo, et. al., was done at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, August, 2006. Entitled, “Metformin-Like effect of Salvia officinalis (common sage): is it useful in diabetes prevention?” The purpose of the study was to verify the anti-diabetic effects of an infusion of sage tea in mice. The results showed sage tea infusion effects on the fasting glucose levels in normal animals and its metformin — a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes — like effects on rat liver cells suggest sage may be useful as a food supplement in preventing Type 2 diabetes by lowering the blood glucose of individuals at risk.

Source: http://www.livestrong.com/article/96369-health-benefits-sage-tea/

More information about sage tea http://www.sagetea.org/
http://www.sagetea.org/Antibacterial/ sage tea as antibacterial agent
http://www.sagetea.org/Depression/ sage tea benefits to depression
http://www.sagetea.org/Memory/ benefits of sage tea to memory

Therapeutic Benefits of Eucalyptus Tea

eucalyptus teaDrinking eucalyptus tea has been found beneficial for sore throats, colds and flu. Eucalyptus is warm as well, and when applied as a compress it’s effective in treating aching muscles and stiff joints. Thanks to its essential oil, which contains up to 80 percent of eucalyptol eucalyptus is antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and antipasmodic.

Few trees in the world are as fast-growing and aromatic as the eucalyptus tree. Native to Australia and used by the Aborigines to reduce fevers, control coughs and relieve arthritis and skin sores, the eucalyptus made its first appearance in Europe in the nineteenth century.

The eucalyptus tree is grown in the tropical and temperate regions of the world today. Eucalyptus is primarily values for its leaves, which are used to make an essential oil, eucalyptus tea and compresses.

The oil distilled from the eucalyptus leaves can be applied topically in warming ointments and balms to help relieve respiratory infections and aching joints and stiffness. This herbal tea works in much the same way, since the cineol found in the leaves and oil is both an expectorant and decongestant. Thus, the eucalyptus tea is effective in treating nasal stuffiness caused by a cold or flu and bronchitis. while the tea is considered safe, dosage should always be carefully monitored.

Caution: If you suffer from gastrointestinal or liver disorders, or if you are pregnant, do not take eucalyptus internally.

Therapeutic Benefits of Eucalyptus Tea

Eucalyptus Benefits for the Skin Your skin mirrors what’s going on inside your body, reflecting the performance of such major organs as the kidneys and liver. Eucalyptus is amoung those herbs that detoxify and cleanse the kidneys and liver, helping these organs to function efficiently, which in turn benefits the skin. Drinking 3 cups of eucalyptus tea a day can clear up acne and minor bacterial infections. Applied topically, the tea may produce healthier looking skin.

Eucalyptus Benefits for the Gums

The tissue-constricting tannins in eucalyptus make it an effective remedy for bleeding gums. Rinse with the tea two to three time daily.

Eucalyptus Benefits for Steam Bath for Bronchitis

Bronchitis and sinus congestion can be eased by inhaling the steam from eucalyptus tea. Pour 1 quart of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dried eucalyptus leaves., cover to seal in the volatile oil, and steep for 5 minutes. Drape a towel over your head and shoulders to form a tent over the tea. close your eyes and for 10 minutes, breathe in the steam. Use this facial steam daily until your symptoms abate. Caution: Do not leave young children unattended with the hot tea!

Eucalyptus Benefits for Compress for Inflammation

A traditional folk-medicine remedy, a eucalyptus compress is effective in treating painful joints, minor burns and sore muscles. the compress is particularly suitable for stiffness and swelling due to arthritis. Soak a clean cotton cloth in the cooled tea, wring out and apply 2 – 3 times a day for relief.

Eucalyptus Benefits for Gargle for Sore Throats

Make a cup of healing eucalyptus tea from equal parts of dried eucalyptus leaves and dried calendula flowers. The tannins in eucalyptus help reduce inflammation while calendula soothes. Let the tea cool, and then use it as a gargle 2 – 3 times a day until symptoms subside.

Source: http://www.grandmas-wisdom.com/eucalyptus-tea.html

More information about eucalyptus tea http://www.eucalyptustea.net/
http://www.eucalyptustea.net/respiratory-health/ how to make eucalyptus tea for cough http://www.eucalyptustea.net/antioxidants/ eucalyptus tea antioxidants
http://www.eucalyptustea.net/health-benefits/ eucalyptus tea recipe health benefits

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Many Health Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

raspberry tea benefitsIt seems like I have a freakish amount of friends and relatives who are pregnant or are looking to get pregnant soon. Either the government is adding something to the water or the people I know are just happy and want to bring another life into the world to share their happiness! In honor of all of you, I wanted to post some fun facts about raspberry leaf tea that I’ve learned either from research or from personal experience. And no, you don’t have to drop lemons into your glass of tea from a height of 10 feet as seen in the above photo to enjoy the benefits.

Pre-pregnancy benefits

  • Has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy to increase fertility. If druids drank it, then so can you.
  • Strengthens the uterine wall while relaxing smooth muscle in the uterus, which improves chances of implantation and prevents miscarriage (basically the bizarro opposite effect of gin).
  • Full of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that help the body to detoxify extra hormones that may impede conception.

Pregnancy benefits

  • Hugely miraculous and amazing remedy for morning sickness (according to reports from friends – I did not try raspberry leaf tea myself for this as I did not realize I was pregnant for the 4 days during early pregnancy that I was vomiting and thought I had stomach flu but actually had a parasite known as Mr. Milk).
  • Provides vitamins and minerals including A, B complex, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium in an easily absorbable form to help baby grow while keeping mom nourished.
  • Many women also report that it reduces leg cramps and swelling associated with late pregnancy.

Labor benefits

Has been shown to concentrate the effects of contractions to make them more effective. From personal experience, I drank 1-2 quarts daily of raspberry leaf tea during my last 2 months of pregnancy and had a great labor (8 hours labor at home, 30 minutes in hospital, 10 minutes of pushing). I can’t say it was just the tea – I think laboring at home helped a lot because I could run around like a crazy person with each contraction rather than being confined to a small hospital room and Mr. Milk was only 5 1/2 pounds at birth (yay for being a small Filipino mom!) – but I do think it helped.

May be especially helpful for women who are planning a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) because of its ability to tone uterine muscles (since the uterus was cut open during the C-section).

Many reports I have read from midwives say that the tea especially helps to shorten the second stage of labor (the pushing stage – from complete dilation of the cervix until the baby is born). I have also heard from midwives that women who drink the tea later in pregnancy tend to have extremely strong membranes protecting the baby. I would attest to this, since my water never broke on its own – the midwife actually had to break it when I got to the hospital since it didn’t break even as the baby was emerging – and I think the fact that this membrane remained intact was the only reason that Mr. Milk was not born in the bathroom at home or in the car on the way to the hospital.

Nursing benefits

Has been reported to “bring in rich milk”, most likely due to its mineral content.
Helps to balance postpartum hormones to prevent the drastic change in hormones that causes many women to experience postpartum depression.

Even if you don’t want to get pregnant benefits

Has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps and may help to regulate the flow of menstruation due to its effects on the uterus.

Helps to detoxify excess hormones which is very helpful during times of hormonal shift such as menopause or in the second half of the menstrual cycle (the two weeks before starting your period, which is when most women experience PMS).

Benefits for menfolk (also known as dudes but since this is a blog about herbs I thought to use midieval terms like “menfolk” and if possible I will throw the most despised of all renaissance terms – “m’lady” – in here somewhere)

In herbal terms, it’s a “nourishing reproductive tonic” for men, which is just a fancy way of saying it helps your junk work better.

Its ability to detoxify extra hormones is helpful for men also since they are bombarded with artificial estrogens on a daily basis from commercial meat and milk, plastics, food additives, and chemical fumes (especially if they are in the construction business). These extra estrogens, along with too much unresolved stress over a lifetime, are major culprits in the phenomenon known as “andropause” or male menopause, which is characterized by a drastic drop in testosterone levels.

May also help with diarrhea, which if you’ve ever been kind enough to clean the bathroom at a location shared by several college age men who drink beer, you will see that diarrhea is apparently something that needs to be helped.
The nice thing about raspberry leaf tea is that it is a balanced food so it’s safe for virtually everyone at every stage of life (I even saw one article about giving it to children with stomach aches) and you can’t really overdose on it. Herbal experts and midwives recommend between 1 cup daily all the way up to a gallon daily during pregnancy with no side effects. I did a little bit of research on PubMed and only came up with 2 research articles on raspberry leaf tea, but neither of them found any negative side effects and the articles I saw on other research sites only found unwanted side effects when specific active ingredients were taken out of the tea and used in ridiculously huge doses. Drinking the tea in its whole state is supposed to be “self-regulating”, meaning the active ingredients balance each other out.

Source: http://www.stammnutrition.com/?p=275

Additional information on raspberry leaf tea http://www.raspberrytea.net/
http://www.raspberrytea.net/raspberry-tea-breast-feeding/ raspberry tea for breastfeeding http://www.raspberrytea.net/mens-health/ raspberry leaf tea benefits to men
http://www.raspberrytea.net/bleach-free-tea-bags/ bleach-free raspberry tea bags benefits

What are the Elderberry Tea Benefits

elderberry teaElderberry tea is obtained from the fruit-bearing tree. The unripe fruit, the leaves, and stems can contain cyanide and thus are potentially toxic. The berries from the tree are used in many forms, such as wines, jams, and pies.

The tea is made by using the flowers of the elderberry, which are steeped in boiling water for about 10 minutes. The health benefits of the elderberry are numerous.

Health Benefits of Elderberry

Native American tribes have for centuries used elderberry tea as an herbal remedy to help ease joint and muscular pains. It is still a popular herbal medication today and can be used for ailments such as:

Fevers, particularly flu or other virus-based illnesses, can be eased by drinking elderberry herb tea. It can also help clear the airways, breaking down mucus and phlegm, which can aid ailments such as bronchitis and asthma.
The common cold can be overcome much more quickly with a dose of elderberry tea, and drinking it regularly can help stave off a cold altogether. Due to the airway-clearing properties contained within elderberry, it can also help with allergies such as hay fever. The tea has also been used to help speed up the recovery process for sufferers of chicken pox and measles.

Elderberry herb tea is a popular choice to relieve water retention, as it has slightly diuretic properties. It can also aid in the detoxification process of the liver and kidneys. With this in mind, it may help those who suffer from frequent bouts of urinary tract infections.Elderberry tea is also a mild laxative and so can help ease constipation and the bloating and flatulence that may accompany it.

Elderberry also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to ease the joint pain associated with arthritis and can be used as a wash for skin disorders such as eczema and boils. The fresh herb can be placed into bath water, rather like a large cup of tea, as a whole body soak to alleviate muscle aches and pains.

Elderberry is a well-known immune system booster, and regular consumption of the tea can help the body fight off such ailments as herpes. It is particularly popular with those who regularly suffer from cold sores. It is also thought to help lower cholesterol.

Elderberry herb tea has sedative properties and so can assist with stress relief, be used as an anti-anxiety supplement, or aid a restful sleep. It may also be helpful for people who suffer from insomnia if used on a regular basis. As a relaxant, it may also be beneficial for those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Elderberry is believed to have emetic properties, meaning it can induce vomiting. The raw and unripe fruit leaves and stems contain cyanide. Unless familiar with this herb, it is not recommended to pick fresh for making homemade teas.

Source: http://www.herbal-treatment-remedies.com/elderberry-tea.html

More information about elderberry tea http://www.elderberrytea.net/
http://www.elderberrytea.net/respiratory-health/ elderberry tea benefits to respiratory health http://www.elderberrytea.net/immune-system/ elderberry tea recipe for immune system http://www.elderberrytea.net/urinary-tract-infections/ how to make elderberry tea for urinary tract infection

Awesome Health Benefits of Saffron Tea

Saffron TeaSaffron tea is made out of saffron, a spice created from the flower of the plant Crocus sativus, commonly referred to as saffron crocus. The plant was initially grown in Greece, and is also indigenous to Southwest Asia.

The plant grows up to 20-30cm and may bear approximately four flowers. Every flower has got three vibrant crimson stigmas, that are the distal ends of the carpel. Additionally, it has got 5-11 white and non-photosynthetic leaves, known as cataphylls; they cover as well as safeguard the plant’s 5-11 true leaves, that are developing underneath the cataphylls. The final, proper leaves are green, thin, straight, and blade-like. The flowers, that bloom in October, are colored in a variety of shades of lilac and mauve.

The spice is very costly; it features a deep orange color along with a metallic honey taste along with grassy or even hay-like notes. It really is utilized to provide taste as well as color to numerous dishes, pastries, cakes, as well as liqueurs. Additionally, it is usually utilized as a dye.

Saffron Tea is gotten through the saffron plant. It is just a plant which grew in Asia and Europe naturally and from time has been considered to have even magical attributes. It’s been adored in times past for the spices it provides and up till now, its spices are still costly because it’s said that that you’ll be required at least four hundred thousand stigmas of saffron for making 1 K of the spice. However aside from its spices, the leaves of the saffron plant may also be utilized to make tea and also the Saffron Tea comes with numerous health advantages.

Health benefits of Saffron tea

There are numerous health benefits of consuming Saffron tea. Listed below are some popular and wonderful benefits of Saffron tea-

1. Menstruation relief

Saffron Tea has been discovered to assist ladies who have trouble with menstruation. Abnormal periods are something which some women have problems with and Saffron Tea is suggested like a menstruation inducer.It’s very powerful at this that it’s generally suggested that women that are pregnant shouldn’t take it since it is known to stimulate abortion in certain rare events.

2. Depression

Saffron Tea has been proven to be as good as some over-the-counter anti-depressant drugs. It serves on the nerves and it’s a really potent calming agent. And the good thing with the Saffron Tea is that it occurs naturally. That is, its calming qualities occur naturally and regular consumption of the tea would have the effect of preventing depression from occurring. The Saffron leave is known from ages past and give people a ‘happy’ feeling. However it is only up to now that evidence have already been investigated and documented to show that it may actually be utilized as an anti-depressant.

3. Anti-Cancer Properties

The rich, golden color of saffron tea originates from crocin, a chemical component within the flower which is packed with antioxidants. In accordance with Murray, crocin has got powerful anti-cancer effects against a large spectrum of cancers. The flavonoids present in crocin hinder human cancer cells and may possibly shrink tumor cells. Carotenoids, the natural pigments prompting the yellow hue present in saffron, protect the body from diseases, stress and viruses. Preparing saffron tea is easy. Make use of three threads of saffron or fewer, toss into hot water, and steep for a minimum of 20 minutes. Include a cinnamon stay with reduce bitterness of the saffron.

4. Heart Diseases

Saffron Tea has got components which decrease cholesterol within the arteries. This really is another important health advantage of Saffron Tea as the building up of cholesterol within the arteries boosts the chance of heart diseases. It efficiently thins the blood and enables its cleansing as such. Ailments linked to the blood like stroke, heart attack are others become less prone to occur whenever Saffron Tea is used frequently.

5. Stomach pains

Saffron tea reduces pain within the stomach. It’s been discovered to ease pain in mild and serious cases and regular intake helps prevent the appearance of such. It may also help to relief the chest as they can be utilized to induce vomiting. Therefore it serves as an expectorant that can help calm the stomach, chest and throat. This is particularly ideal for kids since it keeps them healthy.

6. High Blood Pressure

Saffron Tea has been discovered to reduce blood pressure. Crocetin is actually a compound which works on the blood pressure to lessen it and the Saffron leaves has this compound within its components. Frequent consumption of Saffron Tea keeps the issue of high blood pressure away.

7. Aphrodisiac

Saffron Tea is recognized to behave as an aphrodisiac. The leaves are considered as such as long as everyone can remember and their spice aids in the libido and premature ejaculation.

Saffron Tea has been discovered to be beneficial towards ailments just like asthma and heart burn. The health advantages are plenty and the more research continues, the more discoveries are being made with regards to its benefits.

8. Eyesight Protection

A cupful of saffron tea might have the possibility to slow down blindness, in accordance with the article, “Saffron: Golden Secret of Clearer Sight” on the Inscience website. Research at the University of L’Aquila in Abruzzi, Italy, has generated saffron’s capability to protect vision cells thanks to its fatty acid content. When saffron is taken daily, the fatty acid content becomes tougher. Throughout the trial, eye charts showed remarkable progress by the patients. A daily cup of saffron tea protects the eye from bright light, and it’s also secure every day.

9. Colds and Respiratory Diseases

As a spice, saffron helps clear the lungs. When you’ve got a cold or respiratory illness, your lungs become inflamed. Drinking saffron can help clear the phlegm from your lungs and aid a quicker recovery. Saffron likewise helps ease asthma by reduction of inflammation and clearing your airways.

How to prepare Saffron Tea

To savor some saffron tea, add about 15-20 threads of saffron spice to the mug of freshly boiled water. Allow the combine steep for 5-7 minutes. Once the steeping time is done, take away the threads from the mug. Allow the tea cool for some time and then you can drink it!

Saffron tea features a pretty bitter taste. If it is too powerful for you, you are able to sweeten your cup of tea with honey or fruit juice.

Source: http://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/health-benefits-saffron-tea/

Read more information about saffron tea http://www.saffrontea.net/
http://www.saffrontea.net/pms/ how to make saffron tea for PMS
http://www.saffrontea.net/cardiovascular-disease/ saffron tea recipe for cardiovascular health http://www.saffrontea.net/health-benefits/ saffron tea benefits

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Make Iced Tea: Easy, Not-So-Traditional Iced Tea Recipes

Sweet Tea Lemonade

This Sweet Tea Lemonade adds a special (and refreshing!) touch to an outdoor gathering.Tip: Rolling a lemon on a countertop while pressing down on it allows you to extract more juice.


1. Mix sugar and 3 cups water in a pan and bring to a boil over medium-low heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Turn off heat; stir in lemon slices and mint. Allow to cool, then strain.
2. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Place tea bags in a bowl; pour water over and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove and discard bags. Let tea cool.
3. In another bowl, mix lemon juice with 3 cups water.
4, Combine syrup, tea and lemon mixture. Cover and chill for at least 4 hours. Serve over ice, garnished with additional lemon slices and mint sprigs, if desired.


into a large saucepan; bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add tea bags and steep for 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and add iced water. Serve over ice with lemon. (Serves 8)

See More : http://www.allyou.com/food/iced-tea/sweet-tea

10 Benefits of Bitter Melon That Makes It Even More Worth Eating

bitter gourd melon teaCheck out this article I got from Life Hack. Learn about the many benefits of bitter melon tea. Enjoy reading below.

Bitter melon, or Goya, is commonly used for beneficial health reasons. Bitter melon is also referred to as bitter gourd, Karela, or Balsam Pear. The melon has an extremely bitter taste, but it is a helpful food. Bitter melon is commonly added to stir-fry, or may be enjoyed stuffed. It may also be added to the diet as a supplement. In order to receive the full health benefits, find and cook the melon regularly.

Here’s some sweet information you need to know about this bitter vegetable:

1. Type II Diabetes


Some studies have shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar through increased metabolism of glucose. Drink one cup daily. Try this recipe to receive the full benefit of the fruit. As with any changes to your diet, be sure you consult you physician. Stop use if you’re experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea, or fever. Monitor blood sugar regularly and adjust medications as necessary, with the assistance of your doctor.

2. Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is an extremely painful medical condition. Bitter melon can be helpful in ridding the body of kidney stones through naturally breaking them down. Bitter melon reduces high acid that help produce painful kidney stones. Infuse bitter melon powder with water to create a healthful tea. This tea has a nutty flavor and, surprisingly, does not require sweetening.

3. Lower Cholesterol
Help lower dangerous cholesterol levels with bitter melon. Reducing cholesterol significantly reduces heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. The added benefit is that bitter melon is completely natural in working with the body to prevent these health risks. High cholesterol can only be diagnosed with a blood test. Try Bitter Melon Delight to reap the reward of this surprising health benefit.

4. Pancreatic Cancer
One of the most surprising health benefits of bitter melon is its anti-cancer properties. Bitter melon has been shown to disrupt the production of glucose, potentially inhibiting the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Try these bitter melon juice recipes for a touch of variety and to reap the full health reward of this unusual melon. Bitter melon may also starve other cancerous cells in the liver, colon, breast, or prostate.

5. Skin Benefits
Foods or drink taken from this melon benefit the skin. Taken regularly, bitter melon is said to have a “glowing” effect on the skin and is helpful in treating acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Experience natural and soothing relief with bitter melon. Try bitter melon soup for relief of any of these skin conditions or for more beautiful skin. An added benefit is that bitter melon is a blood-purifying agent.

6. Weight Loss
As is common with most plants, bitter melon is extremely low in calories and very filling. Lose, or maintain a healthy weight, with bitter melon. Prepare stuffed bitter melon to enjoy this benefit.The same properties that aid against Type II Diabetes also assist in health weigh loss and maintenance. The melon is very high in nutrients, which is another reason it’s so beneficial in weight loss.

7. Liver Tonic
There are several benefits of regularly consuming a liver tonic. A tonic aids in digestion, improves gallbladder function, and lowers fluid retention. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and constipation may be relieved with a bitter melon liver tonic. Drink a bitter melon juice at least once a day to enjoy the benefits. A liver tonic is also aids in weight loss, and may relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel system.

8. Carbohydrate Digestion
This is a very important benefit for those who have Type II Diabetes. Carbohydrates turn to sugar, and bitter melon metabolizes the sugars. Faster metabolism of carbohydrates means that less fat is stored in the body which leads to weight loss, and healthy weight maintenance. Proper carbohydrate digestion also aids in muscle growth and development. A Bitter Melon Stir-Fry is just the ticket for the many benefits of bitter melon.

9. Vitamin-K Source
Vitamin-K contributes to bone health, blood-clotting, and is an anti-inflammatory. Those suffering from arthritis can experience lower pain and inflammation in the joints through increasing Vitamin-K. No-Fry Karela Crispies are a delicious way to add Vitamin-K to your diet. The addition of bitter melon satisfies your body’s daily nutritional need for Vitamin-K. Also, the addition of bitter melon is a great source for dietary fiber.

10. Increased Immunity
A healthy immune system is vital for fending off potential infections and diseases. Add this delicious and easily prepared Bitter Melon Stir-Fry for this added health benefit. Stop or prevent a cold instantly in its tracks while benefiting the digestive system. Prevent or curb food allergies, and get rid of yeast infections, naturally. An added bonus of bitter melon is relief of acid reflux and indigestion.

Source: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-benefits-bitter-melon-that-makes-even-more-worth-eating.html

More information about bitter melon tea http://www.bittermelontea.net/
http://www.bittermelontea.net/immune-system/ bitter melon tea for immune system http://www.bittermelontea.net/digestion/ how to make bitter melon tea for digestion http://www.bittermelontea.net/health-benefits/ bitter melon tea recipe benefits